

The naming: Idea(l) Convergence…

represents the many opportunities for growth throughout our lifetime when two of more happenings occurring simultaneously converge to mark the start of significant change (such as an inflection point). It requires business leaders to take action and their readiness will determine whether that inevitable change will affect positively or negatively the living system that is an organization.

mind shift

For those of us who look at business as a force for positive change (social, environmental, economic), regenerative mindset offers us the possibility to see the world we depend on beyond conventional processes (codification, commodification, SWAT, market dynamics …) and invites us to integrate a greater diversity, inclusion and equity into our organization’s purpose, culture, activities and development.

expanding success

Thus the measure of success is no longer exclusive to the single bottom line, it also includes the greater achievements one or a collaborative may have. For instance, one of the most important legacy leaders leave happens to be the values and principles they would have shared and experienced with their teams, thus building a healthy culture. If, throughout the life cycle of an organization, business leaders uncompromisingly promote diversity, authenticity, transparency and honesty, then the greater the chances employees will integrate these values into their own lives and pass them on in their next professional venture.

embracing what lays ahead

During this process, whether your organization is in startup mode or already well-established, Idea(l) Convergence would be honored to become your Thinking Partner, your first supporter, the people you turn to to investigate, assess, address, question, challenge, expand (…)



Identifying your purpose and implementing regenerative ethics and practices early on will allow you to build a more resilient, agile and innovative organization set to deliver greater impact to all your stakeholders. The main outcome of developing a purpose-driven model aligned with values and principles and nurtured by regenerative practices is a healthy ecosystem:

1- Alignment -> employees, investors, customers, partners, suppliers understand the role you play in their own ecosystem and are more supportive of yours.

2- Clarity -> Decision processes become clearer as they fit (or not) into your ecosystem and the ones you depend on and the ones that depend on you.

3- Attract and Retain Talent -> A growing number of people – especially among millennials search for jobs that make them feel a greater sense of purpose.

4- Attract and Retain Customers -> A greater awareness of the world’s ills has led consumers to choose brands whose values align with their own

5- Creativity and Productivity -> There is no doubt that empowered executives and employees driven by a sense of purpose become more committed and engaged. They take risks, learn, and raise their game.


6- Awareness and Readiness -> As we evolve to integrate the interrelatedness of our living system, and how it fits in the larger ecosystem, we become more aware to recognize and better prepared to act upon threats and opportunities.

7- Market and Leadership -> Through recognizable industry leadership of responsibility, purpose-driven organizations often build and hold a non-displaceable market positioning.

8- Growth -> Integrating the concept of building and managing an organization as a living system (regenerative practices) within a larger ecosystem brings about a multi-dimensional way of assessing internal and external growth strategies.

9- The Benefit Strategy -> The organization’s ability to understand and measure its impact on the greater ecosystem it depends on becomes not only the ultimate assessor of its ethos and business model but also – and perhaps more importantly – of the effectiveness of its strategy(ies). In essence the benefit strategy expand the different areas success and improvement are measured.