let’s talk about impact and regenerative investing
I am often asked what I think of our climate crisis. My answer doesn’t matter much, but the question points
to a profound uneasiness about our collective future that can be deconstructed in two ways:
Have we come to a time of reckoning?
are we experiencing the greatest transformation humanity has ever faced?
The great Howard Zinn said: “We can’t stay neutral on a moving train.”
Indeed, change is the only constant and human beings are the engines of change.
The question we should be more interested in answering is
we support business leaders generate higher return on their impact and regenerative investment by:
Exploring your ecosystem’s potential
The potentiality of your impact is as wide as your ecosystem stretches: your family, your team, your partners, your vendors, your supply chain, the products you use, the natural environment we depend on (…).
Integrating into your business thinking and decision making a dynamic ecosystem in which you are a driving force for positive change is the goal of this exploration.
*Ants are formidable explorers. We understand why they settle in a particular area, but we have yet to fully comprehend how they reach that decision.
Transcending your purpose, values and principles
“It all started when…” is that first convergence of a number of factors that compelled you to launch a product or a service that would transform you and the world around you.
The story most entrepreneurs tell of their beginning and the impact they have created is arguably a significant factor in others’ decision to engage with them.
How willing are you to compromise on or transcend your purpose, values and principles and how you define impact and success will tell the rest of the story.
Designing Regenerative systems and culture
Restorative and regenerative systems are designed to keep your organization’s energy flowing and culture thriving, conducive to what all natural organisms share in common: growth -> development, creativity -> innovation.
Tapping into your organization and people’s potential to make a greater and more mindful impact while generating a higher return on your regenerative investment is the core of our involvement with you.
Ultimately, we want you to use your restored regenerative mindset at every stage of your own and your organization’s growth and development.